My Audio – Little Prayers
My 3 year old daughter praying.
My 3 year old daughter praying.
It’s uplifting to sing along with 300 other people.
Outlook Web Access is a great tool. I use it alot to check my email from home or when I’m on the road and it works well. That is until you replace your website and mess around in IIS too much. Which is what happened to ours. It quit working altogether at first and then I managed to get to the point that you could log in and read email, but you couldn’t send new messages, reply to existing email and you couldn’t delete email. It came down to some problem with permissions related to the virtual directories that Microsoft Exchange creates to handle the Outlook Web Access.
I poked around the internet looking for solutions and tried a few things only to make it worse. So I decided to just delete the virtual directories and figure out how to recreate them. I found an article on Microsoft’s support site (surprisingly enough) that told how to remove the virtual directories and get Exchange to recreate them for you.
One word of advice, when there are step by step instructions, it’s best to do each step. I had skipped a step and couldn’t figure out why the directories were not being re-created. The step I skipped requires downloading the IIS 6 Resource Kit Tools and running the metabase explorer to delete a some keys. Apparently they meant it when they put this step in the instructions.
So after following the directions and restarting the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service the virtual directories were recreated and Outlook Web Access returned to it’s normal useful self.
Yesterday and half of today where amazingly beautiful and comfortable days, so I took the kids and got out in it. Around 1:30 though, clouds set in and a slight, needed rain (as you can see by my grass) began to fall. I opened the back door going out to my deck and thought the sound there was incredibly peaceful. You don’t really get the full effect, but it’s close.
I’ve been into Windows Media Center a lot lately. It really started awhile back when our DVD player quit. It was a cheap DVD player from Walmart so I wasn’t surprised that it only lasted about 6 months. Shortly before that I had a DVD/VCR combo and the DVD drive died in it as well. So instead of buying another DVD player I thought I’d get a PC hooked up to my TV and give Windows Media Center a try. Boy, I was surprised. Media Center is super sharp and super easy to use. I’ve used ATI All-In-Wonder video cards for several years. Their TV software has come along ways from when it started but Microsoft’s Media Center just kills their software and works way better.
Scheduling TV shows to record is a snap and having such easy access to my music on my TV is heavenly. Not to mention the many other features, like viewing pictures, listening to FM radio and the other online parts to it.
So I was poking around this week and finding some new Media Center stuff and found the following interesting items:
For a good thorough review of Media Center check out Brandon’s post on
I’ve always installed the powertoys (mostly the TweakUI PowerToy) with every version of Windows I’ve ever installed going back to Win95. There’s a bunch of things in each one that let you make certain aspects of Windows run the way you want it to. I’m not sure why I didn’t find this earlier but I found some PowerToys for Windows Media Center 2005. There are 4 PowerToys that Microsoft has released. The Tweak Media Center PowerToys says it needs version 2005 with Update Rollup 2 installed. The remaining 3 PowerToys are supposed to be able to run on version 2004 or 2005.
The first PowerToy is the Tweak Media Center, which opens up some settings you can’t normally change. For instance with it you can change the location that recorded TV shows are saved at. By default it saves the recorded TV shows in the Recorded TV folder under the shared documents folder. Another setting that opens up is the ability to change the skip and replay time lengths. By default the skip forward and back button is set for 29 seconds so you can increase or decrease this amount. There are more settings, but I didn’t really see much that I needed to tweak. There is a setting to enable something called My DVDs which I tried with no success. In reading I found that it should search any folders you have specified under the My Videos section but nothing shows up on mine even though I have several movies “backed up” on a network share.
There is also a pretty cool solitaire that can be played from within Media Center. Not much to say about that, it’s solitaire. I was surprised with how easy it was to play the solitaire with the Media Center remote.
Next there is an alarm clock. When you set an alarm with it you can then choose music from your My Music list to begin playing when the alarm goes off. The alarm clock acted a bit funny on my Media Center in that it changes resolution when you enter the alarm clock and doesn’t fill the screen like the rest of Media Center normally does. Then when I exit the alarm clock Media Center is again full screen like it should be.
The last PowerToy is a playlist editor. Their site says “he Media Center Playlist Editor allows you to create and edit playlists anywhere in the room using your remote control. Add songs by album, artist, title, or genre. Rearrange the songs in your existing playlists, or remove them entirely, all without ever touching a mouse or keyboard.” I didn’t really mess with it much yet.
I’ve been getting into using Media Center Edition for awhile now and really like it. I wish the Media Center had the full capability of Windows XP Pro. For some silly reason they decided to disable the ability of Media Center to join a Domain. These PowerToys add some needed tweaking and functionality to Windows Media Center.
Have you ever deleted an icon to a program, especially some Windows utiltity and couldn’t figure out how to get it back? That’s what I did to the Remote Desktop Connection icon, actually I’ve done it several times. I have a certain way I like my start menu and it’s totally different than it comes by default on a fresh install of XP. I’m a bit wierd like that.
To simply run the desktop connection from run on the start menu type “mstsc” and hit enter. To re-create the icon, right click where you want the icon and select new/shortcut. In the “type the location of the item” box type “mstsc”. Hit enter and type the name you want the icon to have and you’re done. You can now easily go about your desktop connected merry way.
Here’s another quick one for if you delete the Netmeeting icon. I don’t use netmeeting as much as I used to, but you can goto run and type “conf”. Use the above steps and replace the “mstsc” with “conf” and you’ll have your Netmeeting icon back and ready for action.
I’ve made it two months with no pop. My goal is 3 months and I’m to the point now that not drinking any soda isn’t really bothering me. Every now and then I get a craving for a Dr. Pepper or Pepsi, but it’s pretty rare. Usually it’s only when I see someone else drinking one. It can get a bit annoying drinking the same stuff mostly fruit juices and lemonade. However, I’ve decided to push the experiment a bit further by now drinking only water for the remaining 30 days. I’m just curious what effect if any there is to only drinking water with all meals. I’m thinking that going with strictly water is going to be harder than it was to stop drinking pop.
What does the picture have to do with this? Nothing…just me playing with a fisheye lens. If you look close you’ll see me.
I’ve wanted to give infra-red photography a try for some time. If you don’t know what it is, check out this or this for some samples.
I found a cool tutorial on João P. Ribeiro’s site. In his shots he is using a Hoya R72 filter. I’ve purchased one for myself off ebay and will have some samples of my own in the coming month or so.
His tutorial is very well done and is in-depth. I look forward to going through it a couple more times before I get my filter and see what sort of interesting shots I can come up with.
I like to go to flea-markets every now and then and just walk around. You can often see some interesting stuff. I’ve often thought how many cool shots could I get if I could just wander around one of these places with my camera and no one else around to bother me.One day I was in one and I picked up this old looking book and the title was “As a Man Thinketh.” I opened it up and read the first couple of pages and thought wow!
It’s a small book it doesn’t take very long at all to read it, but it’s message is really good and really powerful. The book was written by James Allen somewhere around 1902. James says in the forward “This little volume is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, it’s object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that “They themselves are makers of themselves.”
I got to poking around on the internet and found this site which offers the book as a free pdf. The ebook gives permission to duplicate and distribute copies so, you can download it from my site here.
I challenge you to take the brief time it takes to read it and see what you think. I’m not trying to indoctrinate anyone to a particular way route of thinking, but I do believe most people are not pushed and don’t push themselves to become better human beings and when we stop trying to better ourselves we begin to degrade as a civilization.