I couldn’t find an easy way to search for a column across all tables in SQL Server 2008 like I could in 2003.
After some poking around on the internet I found the following on this blog:
Select O.name objectName, C.name ColumnName
from sys.columns C inner join sys.objects O ON C.object_id=O.object_id
where C.name like ‘%NameOfColumnHere%’ order by O.name,C.name
Note: Sometimes when you copy and paste the apostrophes get changed surrounding the name of the column you are looking for so you might need to delete them and put them back in.
The following is for finding stored procedures:
AND ROUTINE_TYPE=’procedure’
Those who hope to survive with any measure of emotional sanity and mental stability must have a solid diet of sound biblical theology, clearly understood, consistently digested, regularly put into action.
I’m loving the iPad to say the least. One of the things I use it for is remote desktop session into my server at home or into servers at work. Since the iPad is from the Apple world sometimes navigating Windows machines using remote desktop can be challenging. The iPad’s on screen keyboard lacks function keys and arrow keys.
I found out that when in a remote desktop session it’s really easy to bring up the Windows on screen keyboard to help things out.
This has been tested on Windows 7 and Server 2003. Click on start then run. Type osk and hit enter. Now you should have the on screen keyboard along with function keys and arrow keys.