The World in Monochrome

Mount Rushmore 2

Mount Rushmore

Not on fire

What appears to be smoke is actually steam from geysers. This was taken in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

Open Road


Park photoshoot


Sunset Pier - Seattle

Maybe Utah?

I think this was somewhere in Utah, but it could have been part of Colorado and even possibly Idaho. Taken on a recent long road trip from Springfield, MO to Seattle WA.
Beautiful country where ever it was.

iPhone Macro - Liberty

Another iPhone macro shot. See this shot for an explanation.




Wandering around Chicago a couple of weeks fascinated by the various stickers and artwork you find on walls, poles and on the ground.



Insert Quarter

The Lincoln Tomb


Guitar Angel


Level 4


Summer swimming


I've been looking through Chromasia's tutorials and did this one based on one of his sample PSD files.

Eyes Closed


Seattle Skyline

Two Tone



Seattle Space Needle

Totem 2


I'm in Seattle for an IT conference next week and managed to get a few extra days in shooting. This is from a tour called Seattle Underground, pretty interesting.


Beach run

Beach Coat

Open Countryside

Yosemite Falls 2

Yosemite River 2

Yosemite River

Yosemite Tunnel

Alcatraz cell

Golden Gate Fog

California Coast Road

The Golden Gate Bridge

A couple of weeks ago I went to San Francisco to attend a seminar. We had a few extra days to go site seeing and we wore ourselves out. It was a blast and I really enjoyed San Francisco. It's hard to get a feel for just how big this bridge is. Look on the bridge and you'll see the cars going across and from those you can get a small sense for the size. What was wild was that at times a fog would roll in and you wouldn't be able to see the bridge at all.

I need a beer

Violin player

Take a look at the violin bow and then take a guess as to how this sounded.

Face Drawer

San Francisco Break Dancers 2