Awhile back I did a piece on the Razr cell phone and part of that article talked about getting wallpapers to the phone by bluetooth. I also had some sample wallpapers that I made at the default size for the razr which is 176×220. As I’ve looked through the stats for our site I noticed alot of people coming to from searches for 176×220 wallpapers, so I thought I’d post some more. I always want new wallpapers for my phone or computer becuase I just can’t stand it to look the same very long. Feel free to download these and use them on your devices, don’t feel free to post them elsewhere without giving proper credit. With the exception of the Narnia wallpaper the rest are all from my photoblog

Yellow Flower Shiny
Thorny TulipEdge

OrangeFlower Narnia
Log Helicopter
Hall Grass
Fishing Fence
Columns Airplane