by Jason Prahl | Feb 5, 2006 | Photo - Signs, Photoblog
Wow, today is officially my 1 year birthday. I wasn’t sure when I started this a year ago that I’d keep it up. I actually managed to post 1 picture every day (some might have been better off not posted!). I actually have more than 365 pictures posted, because early on I posted extra shots for some challenges.
Thanks to all of the people who commented through out the year. Some of you have stuck around consistently for awhile and it’s much appreciated. I have to say that I’ve been very slack lately in getting around and commenting on other people’s shots. I could list the reasons why I haven’t, but they are the same reasons that all of you have experienced I’m sure. Add laziness to the list and you’ve got it covered! I’m making it a goal to get around and comment more.
All of your shots have helped me at times when I didn’t feel like going on and shooting more. Seeing the wonderful talent out there certainly is a help. Thanks again and let’s see what we can come up with in the next year!
by Jason Prahl | Jan 29, 2006 | Photo - Signs, Photoblog
by Jason Prahl | Oct 8, 2005 | Photo - CityStuff, Photo - Signs, Photoblog
Hey…I need some opinions. What are your feelings about the rollover section on the main image? I liked it at first, now I’m not sure. I keep wavering back and forth. Please chime in with your opinion! :) Thanks.
by Jason Prahl | Oct 5, 2005 | Photo - Monochrome, Photo - Signs, Photoblog
I’m not quite sure why, but this one keeps appealing to me. I’ve decided to quit trying to reason to myself about what I post and just post what jumps at me. So here it is.
by Jason Prahl | Aug 23, 2005 | Photo - CityStuff, Photo - Signs, Photoblog
Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, you must do all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
by Jason Prahl | Aug 19, 2005 | Photo - Signs, Photoblog
by Jason Prahl | Jul 23, 2005 | Photo - Signs, Photoblog
by Jason Prahl | Jul 14, 2005 | Photo - People, Photo - Signs, Photoblog
I went to the 4th of July celebrations put on by one of the churches in the area. I was impressed with how well they did the planning and activities. It was the first large scale fireworks I had been to in several years. I was also impressed because they gave a good gospel message and there was at least 100,000 people there that day. Many of those people are not regular church attenders.