Cloud gate

Cloud gate

Pulling out another shot from my trip to Chicago. This is of an art object called Cloud Gate. It is a giant bean shaped object made from highly polished steel plates. You can’t see the seams at all where the plates meet except for when you go underneath where they left the seams on purpose. It was pretty neat. Brandon has a cool shot of it here. There was a orchestra playing in front of it entertaining what looked like a high brow dinner party.

Board here

Board here

Hey…I need some opinions. What are your feelings about the rollover section on the main image? I liked it at first, now I’m not sure. I keep wavering back and forth. Please chime in with your opinion! :) Thanks.

Morning walk

Morning walk

I got up really early the other morning with the intention of getting some good sunrise shots. I wandered around for a couple of hours as the sun was coming up and took a bunch of pictures. I think there’s one other shot that I actually cared for all the rest looked like junk. Oh well…guess that’s how it goes.

Pixelpost Tweaks

I’ve been using Pixelpost to host my Photoblog. Pixelpost is an excellent application and has a ton of excellent features. I found there were some things that I wanted it to do that weren’t there so I tweaked it and some other people’s stuff and came up with some of my own.


The first tweak is a modification of James Owens’ Most Commented addon. I wanted to show my favorites of my own work on my about page. So I made the My Favorites Addon..
The second tweak is the ability to have a different background color with each post. Check out my Background Color Changer modification for details.
The last tweak is my template for the site. Pixelpost basically is able to be skinned. You can check out the details here.

Since I found Serenity….

I was in Chicago a few weeks back and I stayed at my brother’s while I was there. One morning while Brandon was snoozing away I looked through his DVD collection and found the Firefly TV series DVD. I had heard about the movie Serenity that was to be coming out and knew it was based on a short-lived series called Firefly. The trailer for Serenity looked good, but I wasn’t to sure. So while Brandon slept off our many hours of walking I popped it in and watched the pilot for the series.
I was hooked. It was good. I wasn’t sure at first, it seemed like it was going to be another Fox goofy sci-fi no-need-to-watch TV show. My wife will confirm that I hate, hate, hate and again hate watching TV shows or movies on TV. I just can’t deal with what I’m watching being broken up by idiotic comercials for junk that I don’t care about. I watch almost no TV and what I do watch is from recordings made using Windows Media Center on a PC in my living room. So when those retarded comercials come on I can hit the fast forward or skip 30 seconds button! Whoo hoo.

Anyways, I proceeded to watch all 14 episodes during the two weeks before Serenity came out and I loved every one of them. There is some stuff they could have left out from a cleanliness (sex, language etc.) standpoint. But overall it’s awesome. Serenity the movie is no exception. Wow! Jaw dropping great effects, good acting, lots of humor and some surprises if you watched the series. My brother-in-law has never seen the series and he loved the show so it does appeal to people who haven’t seen the series. Go see it! ps. If you are curious about the title of the post watch the show and you’ll know what’s up.

Crazy clouds

Crazy clouds

I don’t know about you but I never get tired of these dramatic cloud shots. Technically they aren’t all that complicated. Take a picture on just about any day where there’s a decent amount of clouds. They don’t have to be very dramatic at all. The original of this shot is nothing like what I ended up with (which some might disagree with also.) Take it into photoshop and goto image/adjustments/auto level. I normally don’t care for auto leveling shots, but here it works to bring about those dramatic colors. Then hit ctrl-j (not sure of the command for you Mac users just duplicate the main layer) change the top layer’s blending mode to overlay and back it off with the opacity of the layer as needed. I took mine into Neat Image to remove some noise and smooth it out some. There you have it…crazy apocolyptic like clouds in the sky.