I kept getting this error message that stated “”The datasheet view is attempting to retrieve data from a different domain…contact your system administrator to resolve this issue.”
Well, I am the system administrator and I had no idea how to resolve this issue! After a bit of searching on the web I found someone who mentioned load balancing and alternate access mappings.
I’m not doing any load balancing so I looked further into alternate access mappings and found instructions on changing these mappings.
You have to enter the Sharepoint Administration console. When you install Sharepoint it’s setup on a random port on your server. In my instance it was http://intranet.domain.com:14212
You can open IIS and right click on the Sharpoint Central Administration site and select bindings it’ll tell you which port it’s setup on.
Once you are get to the Sharepoint Administration, click on operations on the left side then Alternate access mappings on the right side.
So by default I had http://intranet (this will likely be the name of your server).
I then added an internal url (there’s a button along the menu bar for this) with http://intranet.domain.com
After doing this I no longer get the datasheet view error and am able to edit and save the changes.
Note: I am using Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 and not the Sharepoint Server 2007. I don’t know if there’s a difference in the setup or if this error even occurs on that version.