radiantVistaEvery now and then you run across a website and think, wow. I look at a lot of websites. One reason I like StumbleUpon so much is that you get to find sites you wouldn’t normally find in your average internet explorations. The internet is a vast expanse of information and people. An overwhelming majority of that expanse seems to be filled with junk. Either people trying anything they can think of to make money or people spewing all sorts of none-sense like little children running around a playground making up fantasy games and stories.

If you are lucky you might hit 1 or 2 innovative sites a month that sincerely offer useful information in a well thought out manner. “The Radiant Vista” is one of those types of sites. I was on one of my favorite Photoblogs, Michael Brown’s “Macro Art In Nature” and he mentioned Radiant Vista so I figured I’d check it out.

Awesome! They have a section called The Daily Critique where they take photos submitted to them and do a 4 to 5 minute dialog about the shot pointing out the good and the bad. I’ve watched a couple of these and they are very good. They also have a section called The Photoshop Workbench which has some 20 minute videos with tips and tricks and other useful info on using Photoshop. As if the first two sections weren’t enough there’s also a video tutorial section covering photoshop and other photography pointers, add to that pdf tutorials and articles and you’ve got enough useful information to keep you busy for some time. It was one of the few times I thought this is something I wouldn’t mind paying some money for!

Update: I found a place to make donations on Radiant Vista’s website and made a small donation. I encourage you to make a donation also since their content is so valuable and useful. Every little bit helps with the costs of bandwidth and such.

I’ve started a page to keep track of great websites such as this one.