
Looking around this area of St. Louis there was nothing remarkable. I kept looking for something to shoot. Something to jump out at me but all I saw was weak attempts at repairing decay. Not far from the downtown area and just down the street from the arch the area is run down and empty. I turned to leave, ready to wander somewhere else. I took one last look back and noticed the word “Forgive.” That made me pause and frown. Why there? High up on the edge of this deprecate building someone had taken time to paint the word “Forgive.” In the middle of this decay someone needed to be forgiven or needed to ask forgiveness. Our lives are just like this scene. We are in the middle of decay and we need forgiveness from God. We hurt and are hurt. Colossians 3:13 says Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

  • Camera: NIKON D7000
  • Taken: 7 July, 2013
  • Aperture: ƒ/5.6
  • Focal length: 105mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Shutter speed: 1/800s