I love America

I love America

I went to the 4th of July celebrations put on by one of the churches in the area. I was impressed with how well they did the planning and activities. It was the first large scale fireworks I had been to in several years. I was also impressed because they gave a good gospel message and there was at least 100,000 people there that day. Many of those people are not regular church attenders.

Canter please

Canter please

I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile. I can’t decide wether I like it or not. Usually when I can’t decide I just have to post it and see what happens. I like the color and the motion, but I wish the rider was more in focus. What do you think?

People Walking

People Walking

We had a temporary break in the bleak, blah grey skies a couple of weeks ago. I think everyone in the city realized the respite we had and rushed out to enjoy it like me.