Along Lake Michigan 005
More shots from my walk along Lake Michigan during a visit to Chicago.
More shots from my walk along Lake Michigan during a visit to Chicago.
One of the several airports I passed through, not sure where.
My family and I went for a walk along some trails. Along the way there were a couple of concrete paths and out in the middle of no-where was this spray painted on the ground…Big Fun…not sure what it’s purpose was, but, we were having big fun during our fall walk.
A shrine in Central Park to John Lennon.
So, I was able to visit New York a couple of months ago. My shooting that week was horrible. I had stabbed myself in the hand with a knife about 4 days before I left (a whole other story of my total lack of common sense sometimes) so I was popping pain pills. Plus I couldn’t grasp the trigger of my tripod without grimacing. Overall I was super disappointed with the shots I got there. I don’t know if it was the pain pills or lack of sleep, but I also shot a bunch of stuff at ISO 1600 for some stupid reason. Anyways, I hope I get to go back sometime with a clearer head and fully functional hand!
I visited Cleveland, Ohio a couple of days ago. It’s a neat city, too bad they didn’t make it to the World Series!
From the calm and serenity of Central Park to the congestion and grittiness of the New York Subway.