Big Fun

Big Fun

My family and I went for a walk along some trails. Along the way there were a couple of concrete paths and out in the middle of no-where was this spray painted on the ground…Big Fun…not sure what it’s purpose was, but, we were having big fun during our fall walk.

Times Square

Times Square

So, I was able to visit New York a couple of months ago. My shooting that week was horrible. I had stabbed myself in the hand with a knife about 4 days before I left (a whole other story of my total lack of common sense sometimes) so I was popping pain pills. Plus I couldn’t grasp the trigger of my tripod without grimacing. Overall I was super disappointed with the shots I got there. I don’t know if it was the pain pills or lack of sleep, but I also shot a bunch of stuff at ISO 1600 for some stupid reason. Anyways, I hope I get to go back sometime with a clearer head and fully functional hand!



As we walked along the winding trail we came to a wide open area. It was mostly tall green grass with an occasional cat tail sticking up. There were some dead dried up flowers, but then there was this one lone flower. It seemed so out of place and wierd.